Update for Soft Plastic Recycling

We’ve all been waiting very patiently for an update on the status of soft plastic recycling in Australia, and we’ve finally got some positive news!

We’ve all been waiting very patiently for an update on the status of soft plastic recycling in Australia, and we’ve finally got some positive news!

The National Plastics Recycling Scheme is taking no soft plastics prisoner, ramping up and completing their phase one trials in neighbourhoods across New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.

As a project developed by the big guns (Australia’s food and grocery manufacturing Industry) and funded by the other big guns (the federal government), they are tackling the gap in our recycling model, made by the sad demise of red-cycle.

The phase one trial involved kerb side collection of soft plastics to make it as easy a possible for people to participate. The plastics are then sorted and broken down into oil which can be made back into packaging. 

Their aim is to create a circular loop solution for all materials in order to help meet Australia’s National Packaging Targets. 



Phase one wrapped up in March, and phase two which is happening at the moment, includes thorough analysis and review to ensure this is viable long term solution!