Chai Club T&Cs
What now? Well, if you've never made an order on before, you'll be receiving a 10% off code via email shortly, so you can try our chai! If you are an existing Prana Chai lover, never fear - you can still earn discounts with our referral program, sign up for a subscription for 20% off, and sign up for a free gift on your birthday! Just let us know when your special day is!
I forgot to apply my discount code - can I get a refund of the difference/use my code for my second order?
As our discount program is automated, we are unable to manually apply discount codes or provide refunds if your code was not entered at checkout. You must wait to receive your discount code via email before placing your order to be eligible to use your first order discount.
If you do not enter your code at checkout, we are unable to apply the discount after payment has been made. Customer service cannot provide assistance/refund if code was not entered before payment was made. We will also not be able to issue another discount code if you do not correctly apply your first order discount code. Please check spam/junk mail if your discount code has not been received after 24 hours.
If you haven't ever made a purchase on before, you'll receive an email from us with a custom discount code. You should receive this on the same day, but sometimes this can take a few days to arrive. Please check your spam and junk email if you have not received it.
If you've already made a purchase with Prana Chai, your Chai Club welcome email won't include a 10% off code - this is for first-time purchasers only.
If your friend has not yet made a purchase on, they will receive a 10% off code for their first order. After their first successful purchase using your code, you'll receive your own 10% off code, via email, 24 hours after their non-refunded, non-cancelled order.
If you haven't received your code yet, please double check your friend made their purchase more than 24 hours ago before contacting our support team. Please also check your spam and junk mail. We can only look into missing codes after 24 hours have passed since purchase.
Our system automatically detects and blocks fraudulent use of our discount platform. This includes referring and referred same email address, same name, similar email address, same IP address.