Only The Good Staff – Suin Lee from Prana Chai Korea

Suin Lee Prana Chai Korea

We would like to introduce the newest members of the Prana Chai Korea - Suin. She spent a lot of time working in hospitality at various venues in Seoul where she developed her passion for the industry and she jumped at the opportunity to join our team and share Prana Chai with others, and now loves introducing people to the good stuff.

What has your journey like with Prana Chai so far? What can you tell us about the culture at Prana Chai? 

It's been a little bit over two weeks since I started working at Prana Chai. The more I learn, the more I want to be involved in Prana Chai! I gave myself some time to think about the reason why I feel this magical feeling about Prana Chai, and what really stands out is the basic principle that the whole working environment of Prana Chai is totally based on trust in someone’s personal abilities. It’s so culturally different to my previous workplaces - in the past, work and self-improvement were always separate. But here at Prana Chai, it's the opposite. I'm very appreciative for the support in both my professional and my personal life. I'm feeling lucky to belong to Prana Chai and to see how we grow together!

What do you think is the best way to enjoy Prana Chai and why?

For me, in order to enjoy variations, I need to know the original tried-and-true method first. So, I would say for beginners, the best way to use Prana Chai is simply following the recipe that’s included in their Starter Box!

You've worked as a bartender in the past. Could you please share a cocktail recipe that showcases Prana Chai? 

I love to try new recipes! So here we go. I think Prana Chai goes really well with a strong-flavored whiskey such as Talisker. 

Here is a recipe for a "Talisker Chai Cooler", served in a highball glass. 

Ingredients : 

  • Talisker 10yo  
  • Chai, cold brewed with water 
  • Ginger beer
  • Sparkling Water
  • Lemon
  • Simple Syrup


  • As Talisker and Chai both have strong flavours, it’s important to stick to accurate ratios.
  • Let's start with 1oz Talisker and 0.5oz Chai.
  • Add to that 1oz of ginger beer and 2oz of sparkling water.
  • Add simple syrup and some fresh lemon juice to taste - I like 10ml simple syrup and 20ml fresh lemon juice.

If failure wasn't an option, what would you try? 

I want to live in the jungle without any civilisation! I would spend all my time observing, thinking and feeling.

What are the three things that you can't live without?

If I imagine myself on an isolated island with only three things, they are my friends, music, and a notepad and pen!

What are two questions that you wish people ask more and why? 

“How was your day?”

I'm sharing a flat with two other girls; we all have our own rooms but share the kitchen and bathroom. Even though it's been over two months that we've lived together, we don't know each other very well. When we see each other in common room, I always say 'hello' and the other person might answer but then quickly goes back into her room. Asking 'how was your day?' is a good way to show your interest in another person. It has become quite rare to hear this question because everybody already knows everything about everyone else’s lives through social media (or people are less interested in each other).


Asking why all the time can be a hassle but I think it's very good to know the cause of something. Some people don't even know the reason why they're sad, mad, or happy. Your anger may come from anxiety, your sadness may come from loneliness ... Ask why when you're feeling something. It's important to know yourself; this helps to know others better.