A Cup of Chai with Joyce Krishna

Joyce is a Melbourne-based naturopath who services health practitioners and educates them on the latest products, research, and educational tools. She also practices and treats clients from her home. In addition to this, she is a qualified lawyer. AND: she is a big fan of Prana Chai … we had a cup of chai with her.

Tell us how you first encountered Prana Chai?

I stumbled upon Prana Chai at a Café in Melbourne’s northern suburbs and instantly fell in love with it. I was meeting a client for work, as I often have client luncheons, and we instantly bonded over the delicious cuppa! Needless to say, I refuse to walk into a café that does not serve Prana Chai when meeting with clients!

What do you like about Prana Chai? Tell us your favourite recipe!  

Drinking chai has been a part of my heritage and my family for generations. The health benefits of drinking spices in tea leaves can be traced back to Ayurvedic medicine.
I am of Indian descent, from Fiji, so it is a ritual for us to have masala chai tea on a daily basis. In my household, drinking masala chai tea with a strong ginger taste was the norm but we also often use cardamom and other spices to infuse flavour in the tea, depending on personal preference.
What I love about Prana Chai is that it has the perfect blend of spices. The full-bodied flavour of the spices and tea come through, unlike other chai teas on the market which are powdered, diluted, syrupy, or sickly sweet.
In Prana Chai, you can actuallysee ample amounts of cardamom, which provides the fragrance and sweet flavour.
I love the warmth of ginger and the hint of cloves and aniseed. The spices all compliment each other and work in sync with each other. The addition of honey uplifts the flavour. Nothing compares to Prana Chai; it is the best I’ve had.

What made you become a health professional? Was there any specific life event that led to this?

Most of my family are in the health and medical profession. I was always interested in health but wanted a more natural and non-invasive approach to healing, so I became a naturopath. I have been in the natural healthcare industry for over fifteen years. I also work for a nutraceutical company where I provide health practitioners with healthcare solutions and education.
I have a passion for justice in addition to being a naturopath; I am a qualified lawyer and currently volunteer at a community legal centre.

What do you love about your work? 

As a lawyer and a naturopath, I love working with people and making a difference to people’s lives.
As a naturopath, I help clients achieve their health goals and reach optimum health by tapping into ancient knowledge and wisdom that is backed by science. I love treating the whole person by addressing the person’s mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health; along with their lifestyle, diet, genetics and environment (which can all influence your health); rather than only treating the disease or symptoms. I get first-hand training and research in the industry which then allows me to educate other health professionals.

What gets you up in the morning? Do you have any exciting things planned in 2020? 

Definitely a nice cup of chai tea gets me up in the morning! I love my job, the people I work with and the clients I meet.
My plan is to travel to either Europe, Scandinavia or Alaska. I have yet to decide.

Do you have a morning routine? What are your non-negotiables? 

The first thing I do when I get up is put the Prana Chai on the stove and while it’s brewing on very low heat, I check my work emails. I then get ready to work and visit clients.
My non-negotiables are: be true to who you are; work with integrity, empathy and compassion (as you never know what people are going through); and travel to at least two or three countries each year. Travel is important for the mind and soul.

Where can people find you on Sunday afternoon? 

I often catch up with friends on Sunday afternoons, which includes either going shopping, watching a movie, or eating out at restaurants.

What are the three questions that you wish people would ask more? 

What is your next travel destination?
What is the best food you’ve ever eaten?
What is your favourite movie?

What are the words you live by?  

 ‘Knowledge is universal; nobody owns it’ – From a naturopathic perspective, I am always helping, educating and sharing my life with others; be it about health, law, food or travel.

What are you grateful for? 

I am grateful for many things in my life. The list is not exhaustive: I love my family, who are always supportive; my friends whom I’ve known since childhood; my beautiful pets; the ability to help heal and make a difference to other people’s lives in both of my professions; and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to travel to over 25 countries and discover the world.


Joyce Krishna LLB, GDLP, BHSc Naturopathy
