A Cup of Chai With – Olivia from Yum Gluten Free

Managing Director and publisher, yum. Gluten Free

After nine years of unexplained symptoms, Olivia was diagnosed with coeliac disease in 2010. She has always been a lover of food, health, and wellness and has channeled this diagnosis into a passion for spreading awareness about the harmful effects of gluten on those with coeliac disease. With her background in public health and nutrition, she is passionate about increasing awareness for coeliac disease, sharing practical tips and tricks for managing strict dietary restrictions and connecting gluten free products to consumers everywhere!

Could you tell us how the idea for the magazine came about and how did it grow?

yum. Gluten Free is a few things; all have a core purpose. It is an online platform for all things coeliac disease and gluten free living, it's an online course to make your gluten free life more manageable and, most recently, it's a quarterly digital magazine! As a diagnosed coeliac, I struggled for years with food anxiety and confidence with my condition. My mission withYGF is for those with coeliac disease or other dietary restrictions to feel confident and in control of their needs. That includes dining out, holidays with families and travelling too.

The strangest thing about you?

I'm a half Canadian-American, living in Australia and married to a Dutch-born, half Kiwi, half British Aussie! Did you get all that? It makes visiting ‘home’ a little complicated (and very expensive!)

If you could invite two people to a dinner party, who would that be and why?

One of my biggest inspirations is Danielle Walker fromAgainst All Grain. She has such a powerful business and personal testimony and I feel like we would genuinely be great friends! She always speaks her truth and isn’t afraid to be honest in all areas, even when it’s uncomfortable. Her heart always shines through.
Will Smith would be my ultimate celebrity catch-up! He is equal parts hilarious and authentic and I would love to learn about his acting journey. I can’t imagine a dull dinner party with Will Smith around. Also, I’m unashamedly a madPrince of Bel Air fan!

What is the best advice you've been given?

If there’s one thing guaranteed to hold us back in life, it’s our self-limiting beliefs. This is why I love this advice given by Henry Ford, ‘Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t - you’re right.’

What is the question that you wish more people asked and why?

‘How are you? No really, how are you, and how can I support you?’We oftentimes go through life looking strong on the outside yet feeling weak inside. It only takes one person in your life to inspire/grow/challenge you and potentially shift the direction of your life. I believe that asking someone how they are should be more than a two-minute conversation. This is possibly why my ‘casual coffee (or chai) catch ups’ go for hours!

Who are your top three instagram crushes and why do you love them?

@shutthekaleup Jeanette is just a regular wife and mother who made her business successful by being authentically ‘her’. I love the way she treats her body and her family and I get excited learning about her ever-growing journey.

@osher_gunsberg Osher is someone in the reality TV world that you can look up to - isn't that a welcome change! Osher took his struggles with mental illness and used them to create an incredible platform to raise awareness and increase acceptance in this complicated, and often minimised, medical space. He is true to himself, raw in his conversation and also hilarious. Oh, and I recently learned that he was diagnosed with coeliac disease last year so now I feel like we are future friends!

@livelovenourishaus Casey-Lee was once an Instagram crush and is now a best friend! The best part of social media is when you’re able to bring internet and reality together. It’s so beautiful how you can watch people’s stories unfold and already have a booklet of talking points from the get-go (great for an introvert like me!) Casey-Lee is a strong mother of two girls and lives to nourish their hearts, minds and bodies daily. She is a world-changer and I’m so blessed to now call her a friend!

Where can people find you?

I would love to meet you! Please say ‘Hi’ on Instagram and Facebook @yumglutenfree and stay tuned to the website for GF city lists, our top tips for travelling, and to download your FREE YGF digital magazine and much more!


Facebook: facebook.com/yumglutenfree

Website: yumglutenfree.com.au