An opportunity has come up to join our team - in Germany! Do you know someone living in Germany with a passion for specialty tea and coffee? Does this person know the ins and outs of a cafe, have a specialty coffee network and speak German? Then they might be perfect for our Area Manager position in Deutschland!
The right person will be responsible for growing the Prana Chai market in Germany and Europe with potential customer visits 3 days a week. The rest of their time will be filled with follow up visits, customer training, basic online research, communication with customers and filling orders. They will also be required to travel to a new European country once a month for 2 - 3 days (sounds tough huh?)
We are after someone who is willing to learn and apply themselves to sharing Prana Chai with the European Market. If you know someone who you think fits this description, pass this email on and tell them to get in touch.
Wir freuen uns darauf, von ihnen zu hören! (We look forward to hearing from them.)
Please share this page with them and they can contact us on info@pranachai.com
Or read the whole newsletter here